Sunday, December 5, 2010

November 8-12, 2010

      This day marked the first duty of my internship after a two-day processing of application last week. I am really excited and a bit of nervous. Finally, I will be able to apply the theories I have learned in school and to hone my skills in the world of broadcasting. Most especially that I am happily connected with one of the respected local television networks in the area of News and Public Affairs---GMA 7 Cebu. No doubt, it is the strength and alas of the station. Since then, it is always a dream of mine that someday I'll gonna pursue my Practicum 1 internship at GMA-7. Now, I am living my dream.
     Together with me are Angela Jane Lacno, Malou Labrador, Jasmin Vailoces, and Rechiel Cordova. We were oriented by Sir Jerome Tigley(I hope I spelled his last name correctly.) from the Human Resource Department regarding the rules of GMA towards internship, responsibilities of interns and our respective duty schedules. As agreed upon, the five of us will be having a weekly interchange of schedule as being approved by Madame Elena(Balitang Bisdak's News Desk Editor together with Sir Albert Aballe). Meaning, there are two will be going on-field with reporters and the remaining three will assist in the production and vice versa. So this week, Malou, Rechiel and I are assigned at the production, while, Angela and Jasmin are assisting their respective reporter on the field.
    The remaining three of us were exposed directly to the library of GMA. When I knew about it, I expected that there are a lot of books since it is a library. I never thought that GMA has a library. That's what I have thought. I hurriedly got my pocket Merriam-Webster Dictionary and looked for the meaning of the word "LIBRARY". According to Merriam-Webster, a library is a collection of  books, records, or films, etc. for consulting or borrowing; a room or building containing those things. Now I know that it's not just books can be found in a library. I pity myself.:( Thanks to Merriam-Webster for having come up a pocket dictionary. It is such a big help.
    When we came there, I can't help but shocked. Their library is in a room in which half of it is the technical room. It is filled with thousands of well-arranged CDs and minidvs which the reporters or anybody could access the needed material. By the way, the head of the library or I should say GMA's librarian is Ms. Sandra Arriola. She is very accommodating. I am really looking forward to work with her. I know we could create a great camaraderie with Ms. Sandra.
     She explained us everything with the jobs in the library most especially in the shotlist of the cameramen. There were bundles of shotlist piled up on her table adjacent to the computer monitor. According to her, she will encode all those things now and then in the Microsoft Excel that served as an archive.
    On November 10-Wednesday, we got the same type of job. We encoded the shotlists of the cameramen. The three of us had encountered a problem on the penmanship of one of the cameramen. It's really illegible. So we really need to ask for help to Ms. Sandra in order to address the matter. I just don't want to name the person in due respect to him. I may be forget that this is a blog and everybody could get an access and read. I'm just being accountable with my responsibilities. Of course, I know my limitations as an intern and as a child of God when and where to spill the beans.
CAMMA 2010 Special Citation
     In the afternoon, we got the chance to observe the live-airing of Balitang Bisdak with the permission of Madame Elena. As what I've found out that no one could afford to get a mistake because it's a live broadcast. Every second really counts. From the number of commercials being shown to the angle of the anchors were being monitored by the people who know exactly what is right if may not be best. After all, it is a tough job. Now I know how exciting and busy those people in the production.

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